Deep Cove Heritage Society




We use CatalogIt to upload and sort our photo archives. For research and education purposes, we continue to add pictures, documents, and update information. We invite you to explore and search using key words, places, and names. Download Using the Search Function for more information.

If you are interested in a high-quality print of a specific picture, note the photo number and contact us by email. We would be pleased to provide more information. 



Through the years, audio recordings of our pioneers and residents were collected. Some were retained on older reel to reel tapes; others were kept on old cassette tapes. We have been fortunate to recover and digitize many of these. This is a work in progress section as we upload the material and collect the transcribed material. As with our photo archive, we are always interested in gathering any material that might reside in a family vault. 



Keeping the interest in our early years alive is our mission and collecting the stories of the past is a large part of our goal. We have kept the stories posted on our original website and will be adding more as we continue to work through our archives, digital collection, and the collection of documents found in our office. Our newsletters are a great way to read about the people who settled in this are and the stories they brought to our shared history.